Advanced Push hands 11 volume set
Advanced Push hands 11 volume set

Advanced Push hands 11 volume set

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£160GBP (Members Discount Price £150GBP)
Part Number: MTGAPHS
For March only, a special discount on Erle's Advanced Push Hands 11 volume set. 
Including MTG 20, 118, 120, 126, 152, 155, 158, 162, 167, 170, 171. 
Worth £181 if bought separately, yours now for only £90!

What is covered in this series, everything....

This is probably the most comprehensive push hands series ever produced, covering everything you could ever think of regarding push hands from the Erle Montaigue System. 
The first volume was filmed back in around 1990, then the rest were filmed from 1996 to 1998 when in my (Eli's) opinion Erle was in his prime when it comes to the fighting areas of training. 

It would be an essay to explain everything that is covered in this series, you can get some idea by looking at each individual volume listing, you can also see some previews there as well. 
But trust me, if you like push hands, then you will not be disappointed with this series. 
Erle goes into such great detail here, sticking to his push hands is not for pushing attitude, showing how the training method is used to enhance your fighting skills, but he also covers several other aspects, like Qi transference, how to turn Qi into Jing, corrections of the most common mistakes, the 13 postures of Taiji and how they relate to push hands. 

Another thing that is so wonderful with this series, is simply watching Erle move, particularly from volume 2 onward, I often like to just sit and watch these videos, not to focus on the specific details he is talking about, but just to watch the beauty of power and grounding Erle was capable of, which I have never seen an equal to, letting it all sinking into the subconscious.

  • Level: Intermediate/Advanced
  • Run Time: 720 mins approx
  • Media Type: MP4 Download