Linear Form
This is the fighting form from Bagua.
It is fully explosive through out, taking about 3 minutes to perform at full pace.
This is (In Eli's opinion) one of the greatest forms ever created.
This is (In Eli's opinion) one of the greatest forms ever created.
It is amazing for strength and fitness, along with teaching you a more direct martial approach to Bagua.
Learning deadly application along with fluent yet explosive movement.
See a video of the full form here
See a video of the full form here
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£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)