Live Taiji & Bagua Classes via Zoom
Live Taiji & Bagua Classes via Zoom

Live Taiji & Bagua Classes via Zoom

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Part Number: LGFP

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These class are included free of charge if you are a WTBA "Allied" Member.
You can view a full month of these classes we've already done for free here.
Also, you can join the live classes as a free trail for one week, just get in touch to have the links sent to you for each class.

Classes run every day, the time schedule is at the bottom of this page. 
The times are set so they should work well for people in different time zones. 
Classes are also recorded, so if there is no live time that suits you, you can always watch the class after.

Purchasing, if you don't have Allied Membership:
  1. If you only buy one or two classes, make sure you say in the comment box which class you would like the link to. 

  2. Strength & Mobility Sessions, as well as the cool down stretching, are free add ons, if you attend the class right before, you can follow into this with no extra class purchase necessary.
  3. When you pay for a full week, you get one week, Monday-Sunday. If you pay midweek say on a Wednesday, you do not get Wed-Wed.  If you purchase mid week, you can be sent the recordings of the classes so far that week, just ask. 

  4. If you would like to pay for several weeks in advance, please get in touch and we can sort that out.

What do the classes cover

1. General Training Sessions, 60mins.
These classes cover general training in these subjects, this can involve flowing through the full forms and practicing Qigong, or taking sections of the forms, breaking them down and looking at certain details. Open to everyone, but aimed at those who already know the forms. The bag work session is like this as well, but since bag work is more simple than the forms, this is very suitable for people with no prior experience. We do general bag work as well as looking at strikes from the forms to better understand them. 

There are four different classes here:

  • Yang Lu Chan (YLC) First Third, Small San Sau (SSS), Qigong.
    Four Sessions per week.

  • YLC Second Third & Qigong.
    Once a week.

  • Bagua Circular Form & Qigong.
    Once a week.

  • Bag Work.
    Once a week.

Progressive Classes, 60min.
These classes take the forms from scratch, teaching you all the details you need to learn the solo aspects. 
Perfect form someone who has not yet learnt the form, however we also have many advanced instructors joining these classes are learning so much about the foundations of they practice. 

There are three different classes here:
All once per week.

  • Yang Lu Chan Form. 

  • Small San Sau.

  • Bagua Circular Form.

Additional Sessions, 30min.

  • Taiji/Bagua Strength & Mobility, 30min, 2x per week.
    A strong full body workout routine, that will strengthen and stretch your body in a way that is inline with your Taiji and Bagua training. 
    For example, in order to do a posture called Snake Creeps Down, you need a certain level of strength and mobility before you even try it. 
    We sometimes do a little of this in the general training classes as well, but these classes focus on it. 

  • Cool Down Stretch, 30min, twice per week.
    These sessions are usually placed after an evening class, we completely relax and wind down for the evening, breathing and stretching.  

What you'll get out of these classes.

So many students around the world these days learn on their own via video, but you really do need some connection to a teacher and other students. 
Of course face to face is better, but this is often not an option, these online classes are the next best thing. 

You will feel a sense of community, connection, motivation and inspiration, if you've not tried it, you're missing out! 
Of course attending live is best, as this means you can ask questions at the end and be more apart of the class, but if your schedule does not allow this, following the recording is still very different compared to an instructional video, as with these classes Eli is in a much better teaching mode, seeing that he has people there following.
Plus, you can still ask questions, just send Eli an email with your question about class, and he will answer it during the next class. 

Time with your teacher is so important, not just to get the details, but to feel the flow. 
A good student does their practice with their teacher as often as possible to pick up the internal aspects of training. 
Even if via the live video stream, it's still far better than being on your own. 

Class Schedule
There are classes every day, but please note,    Green    days are rarely cancelled or changed, where as the    Blue    days are sometimes cancelled or times changed due to Eli's international workshops. If a time slot is crossed out "7AM", it means that class will not run on that week.
Sunday Morning, since this is the only day we do second third, this class will be changed rather than cancelled if Eli is away. Usually only to an earlier time. 

If you are registered for these classes, you will alway be informed by email about any changes. 

All Times Listed are UK Time
Please check the time change for your time zone to see what classes you're able to join live. 

Monday 3rd
Bag Work
General Training
Tuesday 4th
Bagua Circular
Progressive Class
Strength & Mobility
Progressive Class
Cool Down Stretch
Wednesday 5th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Thursday 6th6am
General Training 

YLC Form
Progressive Class
Cool Down Stretch
Friday 7th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Strength & Mobility 
Saturday 8th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Strength & Mobility
Sunday 9th
Taiji Second Third & Qigong
General Training
Strength & Mobility 

Monday 10th
6am (30min)
Bag Work
General Training
Tuesday 11th
Bagua Circular
Progressive Class
Strength & Mobility
Progressive Class
Cool Down Stretch
Wednesday 12th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Thursday 13th6am
General Training 

YLC Form
Progressive Class
Cool Down Stretch
Friday 14th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Strength & Mobility 
Saturday 15th
Taiji First Third,
SSS, Qigong.
General Training 
Strength & Mobility
Sunday 16th
Taiji Second Third & Qigong
General Training
Strength & Mobility 

You will receive a link to the live class around 10 minutes before class starts. If you have not received the link by 5 minutes before class, please get in touch.

You will then get another link later for the recording of that class. Recordings are available for 2 weeks.

Make sure you get your zoom set up, once you're in the class, make sure you click on the view tab and make sure it is set to gallery, then you can pin Eli's screen to make him stay as the full screen.