MTG24 Small San-Sau Corrections
MTG24 Small San-Sau Corrections

MTG24 Small San-Sau Corrections

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£17GBP (Members Discount Price £15GBP)
Erle Montaigue corrects on camera a student's advanced small san-sau. Learn about point strikes and how to strike them
Part Number: MTG24
Here, Erle Montaigue corrects on camera a student's advanced small san-sau. In this way students can see what they themselves are doing wrong and how to correct it. Small san-sau is the best method to learn about point strikes, how to strike then, where to strike, the correct direction and the correct pressure etc. In this tape, Erle shows a little more advanced methods of this exercise and corrects on camera common mistakes, a most useful tape.

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Run Time: Approx 60 mins
  • Media Type: MP4 Download
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