MTG257 Silk Reeling in Yang Lu-ch's form Vol 3
MTG257 Silk Reeling in Yang Lu-ch's form Vol 3

MTG257 Silk Reeling in Yang Lu-ch's form Vol 3

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£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
Part Number: MTG257

This is the third of the Tai Chi lessons in Swansea covering the advanced "Silk Reeling" in Tai Chi Ch'uan (see below). We covered up to "Single Whip (Tan Pien)" We also covered the 3nd of the Fa-jing reeling exercises which really got the Qi flowing! Also covered was a section on Internal Power and a Qigong to gain this.

  • Level: Advanced
  • Run Time: Approx 60 mins
  • Media Type: MP4 Download