MTG258 Bagua Animal Qi Shaking Methods. (Phoenix)
MTG258 Bagua Animal Qi Shaking Methods. (Phoenix)

MTG258 Bagua Animal Qi Shaking Methods. (Phoenix)

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£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
Part Number: MTG258

This title teaches the very beautiful and deadly Phoenix animal Qi Shaking method from Baguazhang. It works upon the lungs and has some very potent attacking Dim-Mak methods using mainly the backs of the palms (like wings). There are 3 areas that we learn in the Bagua Animal Forms.

The Animal Forms themselves: The Qi Shaking Methods, which are sort of like a lesser form of the main forms and lastly, the Animal two person training methods which I will be putting down onto video over the coming months.

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Run Time: Approx 60 mins
  • Media Type: MP4 Download