MTG282 Yang Lu-chan form Applications: Vol 1
MTG282 Yang Lu-chan form Applications: Vol 1

MTG282 Yang Lu-chan form Applications: Vol 1

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£15GBP (Members Discount Price £13GBP)
Part Number: MTG282

The 10,000 fighting applications.

Not really 10,000, this is just the way that the Chinese have of describing that there are a lot of them. 10,000 seems to be the number that they use for everything that has to be done a lot. Here, Erle Montaigue begins the long awaited series on the main applications from the postures of the Yang Lu-ch'an form showing not only the basics but also the dim-mak applications following each posture.

This is not meant to teach the Old Yang Style as one should already know it, it is just to demonstrate and to teach what each posture is for. ON this volume Erle takes you from the beginning up to the posture known as Brush Knee and Twist Steps.

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Run Time: Approx 60 mins
  • Media Type: MP4 Download