MTG305 Erle Montaigue Fighting System: The Physical Side: Vol. 3
MTG305 Erle Montaigue Fighting System: The Physical Side: Vol. 3

MTG305 Erle Montaigue Fighting System: The Physical Side: Vol. 3

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£17GBP (Members Discount Price £15GBP)
Part Number: MTG305

Multiple Strike Kill Methods. (Part Two)
This series of videos is being shot during Erle's instructor's classes. Here, Erle presents for the first time the little known physical side of the Yang Style, no BS, no mystical garbage, just excellent and practical physical stuff on gaining great power for multiple strike kill methods to all parts of the body.

The Yang Shou-hou side of the Yang Family was quite hard and often, blood would be left on the floor. Gaining the power from short distances was the key to this type of training. Speed was useless unless extreme power was also present. So this series gives you that ultimate power. You will gain the confidence knowing that you can take anyone out no matter how large or powerful he is with one or two strikes. Included on this volume:

Multiple Strike Kill Methods: Knife and Stick Fighting, the realistic way for the street. It's no use learning all of the forms etc., and not knowing how to punch! And it has been our experience that not many people actually know how to punch. Sure many can line themselves up and break boards, but in the street instantly, they cannot gain the necessary power from only centre metres away to take someone out instantly with one punch. This DVD teaches how to do this.

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Run Time: Approx 60 mins
  • Media Type: MP4 Download