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This is the stuff Tai Chi is made of. This is where the "lights go on"! I began my Videos with the idea that I would not hold things back like others would.So as you can see, I now have more videos on every possible subject of the Internal Fighting/Healing arts than any other instructor and was also the first person ever to put Tai Chi onto Video way back. However, this "fault" of mine has caused me some grief in that others have then taken MY information that I have fought for hard and long to get over the past 35 years and they have used it to gain money without even acknowledging that it was from me that they obtained the information.
So now that I am finally into the final stages of one's Tai Chi training and giving out the stuff that really turns the lights on (as all who have been taught this will tell you).These are the last lessons ever giving by Erle on the YLC form. Showing what this develops into after more than 40 years of training.Only recommended to the highest level wtba instructors above Level 5.