MTG467, Bagua Circular, Bringing out the fire V:2
MTG467, Bagua Circular, Bringing out the fire V:2

MTG467, Bagua Circular, Bringing out the fire V:2

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£19GBP (Members Discount Price £17GBP)
Part Number: MTG467

Carrying on from volume 1, now we take the principles learnt and see how to apply them to the rest of the form. 
More principles are also learnt through the rest of this form.
This is the last volume to complete this area of training.

Downloadable in HD and a smaller SD file for use on Phones/Tablets, or if you just have low space on your computer. 

  • Level: Intermediate to Advanced. 
  • Run Time: Approx.  mins 143
  • Media Type: MP4 Download HD or SD
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