Yang Cheng-fu form
This is the form you want if you are interested in Tai Chi only for it's health benefits.
It is all slow moving, and although the postures still have martial application,
It is all slow moving, and although the postures still have martial application,
there is not so much martial intent like in the YLC form.
Where to start:
You should start with Preparations to Taiji MTG448 & 449
You should start with Preparations to Taiji MTG448 & 449
Then MTG1 will give you all the basics of the form as well as standing Qigong.
Then look at the 3 part corrections series, this will enhance your form and give you a well rounded foundation.
Then look at the 3 part corrections series, this will enhance your form and give you a well rounded foundation.
Then if you wish to advance your form, you can look to MTG21 & MTG30.
From there look at "To the Max" series.
From there look at "To the Max" series.
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£17GBP (Members Discount Price £15GBP)