WTBA Training Camps Malta...
For all levels of Taiji & Bagua Students.
Small group, no more than 12 students, for more hands on time with Eli.

March 29th till April 5th 2025. 8 places left
November 1st till 8th 2025. 10 Spaces left
Places books out fast, make sure you book in no to save your place. 

Who is it for:
These camps are aimed at all levels of students. Since the group is kept to a small number, this means Eli can give everyone what they need for their level.

What will it be like:
There will be around 7 hours of training each day.  
You can learn all areas of the WTBA syllabus, or just the ones you choose.
If for example you are not interested in the combat/self-defence area of training, you are more than welcome to do some more practice on form or push hands etc during that session. Obviously for any partner drills you'd need someone else who also doesn't want to do combat. 
Keep in mind that even the combat area can be done slowly, so it is suitable for everyone. 

Those who already know a large part of the syllabus and have been training for a long time will be able to attain instructorship here. 
The camp will be limited to 12 people, the purpose of this is that you get far more hands on training with Eli. 
Eli will teach and explain the general principles to the whole group,  or sub groups, he will then go around and give individual advice to every student throughout each session, making sure that everyone gets exactly what they need for they level of skill.

Aside from the training, we'll be staying right on the sea.
It is a great escape from the cold, warm sunny training and swimming in the sea during the break time. 
Check out the videos and pictures below. 

What will be taught:
Exactly what will be taught will depend on who is attending, Eli has a chat with everyone on the first morning, to see what people want/need to learn.
Again, this is the point of the small group, we might have some people doing push hands, while others do sticky hands or san sau etc. 
As a general guide, Eli focuses mainly on foundation methods, these are the things you should be practicing for your level, and usually include, Push Hands | Sticky Hands |  San Sau | Taiji & Bagua Form | Qigong | Strength and Mobility | General Self Defence Combat Training. 
This is the more serious part of training, however, it's also good to play around with some other interesting "off syllabus" methods, this could mean having a go at something above your level, like trying double push hands even if you're not an instructor yet, or trying a weapon form. 
You will have the chance to take a grading during camp as well, if you want.

Three main areas of practice:

Qigong and Slow Form.
We will start with Qigong and Foundations of Movement, then moving onto the YLC Taiji form, or the Bagua Circular form, you choose one. 
Since it's a small group, Eli can teach both forms at once. For more information on choosing Bagua or Taiji as your main solo form, click here.
Partner Training Drills. 
This area is where we pair up and practice the methods within the student foundations.
It's martial, but not rough martial, at least not when you first start out. 
These set training drills teach us important skills that can be used in the martial practice, but a student should never consider themselves as combat ready from only practicing drills, this is where area three comes in.
This area is where we practice fighting, don't be scared, if you are a total beginner you will be treated as such. 
This area is still done slowly to start off with, the speed and pressure you use will depend on your current skills. 
If you know nothing, you don't need to worry about getting punched in the face on day one. 
We will practice pad work to learn how to strike, attack/defence methods, working our way through from the most simple to the more difficult areas. 
Our focus in the WTBA is for use in self defence, not competition.
We learn to deal with the most dangerous of situations, life or death, as well as a drunk kid swinging a punch at you in the parking lot, where a more gentle method is used.
This is a mixture of Bagua and Taiji. Covering striking and grappling.

Retreat Schedule: (Please note, the content stated here is for the next camp dates, the camp after that will have the content listed when the previous camp finishes. 

Day 1
Arrival day, get to camp after 4pm, chill out or do some training, but no official classes.
There is no dinner on this first evening. 

Days 2 to 7 training schedule:
Please note, since it is a small group, if for example you are unable to practice push hands due to an injury, you could do more form in that time slot. 
Also, Eli likes to keep things fluent, often changing things up based on the vibe of the students. 

Exact times will be set closer to the time depending on when the sun comes up.
Wake up routine, strength and mobility. 
Taiji or Bagua form.
Large San Sau, this is a great form even for beginners, as Eli teaches a simplified version that you will love. Those instructors who already know it well can of course practice the full version.
Some stick training if people are up for it. 
Then you should still have two hours free to go for a swim, chill out, or do some more training.
Push Hands, Sticky Hands, Pad Work, General Self Defence Drills, Bagua Circle Walking.
Cool down Qigong Flow Practice.
Chill out and get ready for dinner.

Day 8
Leaving day, pack up and head home in the morning, we need to be out by 9:30am.
There is no official breakfast this last morning, you can eat what ever is left over. 


Early bookings four months in advance.
Training fee €550
7 nights accommodation on site €250
Optional Breakfast Lunch and Dinner for your 6 training days €180

€200 Deposit to hold your place.
With the remaining balance due by 3 months before start date.  

Late bookings will be €100 extra. 

Please note these fees are only refundable if we are able to find someone else to fill your place. 

Bottled drinking water.
Tea & Coffee.
Bedding, Towels.
Street Parking if you hire a car.

Food Situation:
For only €180 you can join the breakfast, lunch & dinner meals, during the 6 training days, this saves you having to go out and find food.
Amazing organic meals prepared on site each day. 
Please note, you cannot prepare your own food in the kitchen when the group meals are being prepared. 
The meals fee needs to by paid with your second payment 3 months before start date. 

Your Accommodation:
You'll have one of the follow.
Queen Bed in private room. 
Queen Bed in private room with private bathroom.
Single Bed in triple room.
Bunk Bed. 

Who gets what:
Private Rooms with Queen Beds will be reserved for couples, or two good friends who want to share a bed.
If no couples are joining us, in this case there will be a €100 surcharge for who ever wants the private room, and €180 surcharge for the private room with private bathroom. 
Ladies and Seniors will get first choice, because I'm old fashioned like that. 
Most people will stay in the triple rooms, the sooner you book the better bed option you'll get. 

The Waterfront Sky Villas
7 Thomas Ashby,
Marsaskala MSK 1373ST.
When you turn onto Thomas Ashby, we are the first villa on the left. 
20 minutes from the airport by taxi. 
3 minute walk to the sea.

Google Maps link 

Check out the place we'll be staying below!

Still warm on new years eve!

Private Pool and Training Area with Sea Views

Indoor Training Area (plus kitchen, living, dinning)

Private Queen Rooms

Triple Rooms

Bunk Beds.

Four Bathrooms

St Thomas Bay 3 minutes walk from venue.

The Near By St Peter's Pool