Recorded Video Corrections
Recorded Video Corrections

Recorded Video Corrections

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Part Number: RVC552

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Please read through this page to see how it all works before sending your first video. 

OK, here is what you're signing up for.

Personal Video Corrections.
You can either buy a single class, or pay for 4  classes up front. The idea is that you do either 1 or 2 classes per week.
There is no time limit, if you buy 4 classes and only do one per month for example, that's fine, but to get the most out of the classes, you should try to do at least one per week.

Obviously a live private class is the ultimate way to learn online, but if you can't fit those into your time schedule or budget, then this option may work really well for you.
Rather than doing a full hour class in one go, you work through your training bit by bit, sending a short video of two postures from the form for example, Eli looks over it, then sends back a video explaining what you need to work on. 

Eli has limited time for personal classes, so numbers are limited. 

You need to of course learn something first.
Either from our MTG videos, or from our Online Foundations Training Program.
Both are great options, however, from the feedback we have received, students learn far better from the online training program, which offers a 30 day free trail to see if it works for you. 

It works though a messenger app called WhatsApp
You send a video through of what ever you think needs work, then within a couple of days you'll get a video back. 

Your video should be no more than about 30 seconds long, covering two postures from a form, or two techniques done on a punch bag. 
This is mainly aimed at correcting your solo training, but if you would like to show some push hands or something, just ask first to see what you should show. 

You will then get a short video back of around 3 to 6 minutes long. 
Eli will correct as much as he can in each video. Keep in mind it's often a good idea to go back to the start every now and then, to check you are implementing the corrections. 

If you sign up or want to try your free class, please first have a read through the following so you get the most out of it. 

1.     Lighting.
Just make sure you are not backlit, meaning no bright lights behind you, this will cause you to be very dark.

2.     In Frame.
You want to be as close to the camera as possible, while making sure that all body parts are visible.

3.     Camera angles.
Try to film from an angle that shows most of the details in the movements, 

4.     What should you send.
Your fist video should be of two postures of the form you’re practicing.
The next video should be a repeat of those same postures showing that you have implemented the corrections, plus the next two postures.
Therefore, after your first video, each video should always have four postures, but never more than two new ones.

If you are unsure what counts as a posture, it doesn't matter if you send too much by mistake, as Eli will only correct the first ones anyway. 

The video Eli sends to you will give corrections to the new movements you send. If the repeated moves still need work, he will tell you, then It is up to you whether you choose to keep going over those same moves till they are correct, or move on and come back to them at a later stage.

It's generally a good idea to get things correct before moving on, but on the other hand this can make you feel stuck in a rut. Sometimes moving on can clear your mind, giving you news things to work on, and often a movement later in the form will improve the earlier ones.

If ever your video has no corrections to be made, meaning Eli doesn't need to send you a video, he will tell you to send the next two postures.

If you are wanting to send something that is not a main form, please ask first so Eli can tell you what to send. Such as if you want to get some corrections on your partner work or bag work.

Also keep in mind that regarding forms, Eli do not practice every form all the time.
So, he cannot correct you in a form that is not fresh in his own mind.

5.     What counts as two postures.
As a general rule, if a posture has a name, then that’s a posture.
Sometimes a posture that looks like one move can actually be two, other times a posture might look like three moves but they all come under one name.
Usually it’s quite clear what two moves is, but if you feel like the two moves you’re doing are very short, then add the next one to your video, Eli may or may not give you corrections on that third move depending on how he sees the first two.
As you go through you’ll soon get a feel for what you should be sending.

6.     What you should expect back from Eli.
The video you get back from Eli will explain what errors you’re making and how to fix them, however he will not go into detail as to why doing it this correct way is important.
This information should be found in the videos you are learning from.
Keeping the videos short and to the point is how the cost is kept down for you.
If however you are given a correction, and cannot find out anywhere as to why this is important, perhaps you feel the way you are doing it is good, then you can use your next class to ask this question, Eli will then give a detailed answer.
You can either ask in text or with a video if you feel it’s needed.
On that note, you can always use your class to ask a question you have about your training, rather than having a movement corrected.

7.    When should the videos be sent.
You can send your videos in anytime, just keep in mind on the weekends Eli is often travelling for workshops, so you might not get something back till the Monday or Tuesday. 
Eli will send back a video asap depending on his work load at the time, usually a couple of days.