Online Workshop July 17th
Online Workshop July 17th

Online Workshop July 17th

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Your Price: GBP£40.00
Part Number: OWPT
Ok everyone, those who enjoyed the workshop on the 27th of June and would like to join the follow up, here are the details. 

I'm going to continue with the YLC form, going through things I feel have not been covered that much in the past. 
Mainly focusing on first and second third, maybe something from the third if we have time. 

It will be live on the 17th of July, at the same time as last time, so 5pm for me on Brisbane time. 

Please make your payment here, then you'll get the link 30 minutes before start as you did last time. 

Again if you cannot make the live class the video will remain uploaded for two weeks. 

Hope to see you there!
