English Translation at the bottom of the page.
PUSH HANDS (potiskanje rok) & CHi SAU (lepljive roke) v Kranju
21. in 22. september 2024
Dve delavnici:
- Sobota: temelji potiskanja rok in lepljivih rok (predhodno znanje ni potrebno)
- Nedelja: napredne tehnike potiskanja rok in lepljivih rok (za vse z nekaj predhodnega znanja ali udeležbo na sobotni delavnici). Priporocamo, da se udeležite tudi sobotne delavnice, saj se bodo predstavljene metode morda razlikovale od tistega, kar poznate.
Treningi bodo potekali oba dneva med 13. in 19.30 uro. Vmes si bomo vzeli pavzo.
Delavnica je namenjena vsem, ki se ukvarjate s taijiquanom ne glede na stil, ki ga trenirate, saj so osnovni principi potiskanja rok in namen tovrstne vadbe enaki. Delavnica bo primerna tudi za zacetnike in praktikante drugih borilnih vešcin, saj bomo zaceli z osnovami in nadaljevali z naprednimi vajami, ki jih bomo prilagodili znanju udeležencev. Zacetniki boste na delavnici lahko našli ucitelja in potem nadaljevali z redno vadbo.
Eli Montaigue ima 20 let izkušenj s poucevanjem potiskanja rok in lepljivih rok. Njegovo znanje in izkušnje vam bodo pomagale bodisi pri zacetkih tovrstnega treninga ali poglabljanju vašega znanja. Z njim boste lahko vadili ena na ena.
Potiskanje rok (push hands)
Potiskanje rok je vaja iz taijiquana v paru. Preko potiskanja rok se naucimo strukture in ozemljitve, preusmerjanja sile, branja namere nasprotnika in pomena nevtralnosti.
Lahko je orodje za spoznavanje borilnega aspekta taijiquana, pri cemer je poudarek predvsem na ruvanju (grapling), pa tudi na udarcih. Vadba je primerna tudi za tiste, ki najraje vadijo forme taijiquana ali qigonga. Zunanji pritisk na telo izboljša razumevanje lastne strukture in gibanja in nas uci usmerjati lastno energijo in energijo partnerja.
Chi Sau (lepljive roke)
Ta vadba je zelo podobna potiskanju rok, vendar je manj poznana. Uci nas poslušanja skozi mehkobo, cutiti partnerjevo gibanje, preden se zgodi, in se vedno gibati po poti najmanjšega upora. Ta del je podoben vadbi potiskanja rok, vendar je pri lepljivih rokah vecji poudarek na udarcih kot na ruvanju (grapling).
Vadba obeh
Na koncu se ti dve metodi zacneta prekrivati. Nekatere šole niti ne locujejo teh dveh metod med seboj in imenujejo vse potiskanje rok (push hands). V WTBA pa imamo jasne metode za postopno ucenje obeh. Koncno pa se obe metodi zlijeta v eno.
Cena ob prijavi pred 1. avgustom
En dan €60 (Aktivni clani €50)
Oba dneva €100 (Aktivni clani €90)
Cena ob prijavi po 1. avgustu.
En dan €80 (Aktivni clani €70)
Oba dneva €120 (Aktivni clani €110)
Študetje imajo 30% popust.
Maja Derlink
WTBA Slovenija
With Eli Montaigue, Head of The World Taiji Boxing Association.
September 21st-22nd 2024
Two workshops:
- Saturday Foundations of Taiji Push Hands and Chi Sau (no prior knowledge necessary)
- Sunday Advanced Principles of Taiji Push Hands and Chi Sau (for anybody with some previous experience or who attended the Saturday workshop)
- Please Note: Even if you have prior experience, it is strongly advised that you attend both days, since there will be principles learnt in day one that may differ from what you know.
Training Times Each Day: 13 pm – 19.30 pm with breaks in between
It doesn't matter what style of Taiji you currently practice, when it comes to push hands all styles should link up. Even if you practice a different martial art, or nothing at all, the workshops will start off from the basics and go on to the more advanced areas depending on the abilities of those attending. For beginners interested in starting Taiji practice, the workshops can be a starting point for finding a teacher and starting regular weekly training sessions.
Eli Montaigue has 20 years of experience teaching push hands & chi sau. His knowledge and experience will give you a great start in this training, or refine and enhance what you already know. You will get a chance to practice directly with Eli.
Push Hands
Push Hands is a partner drill from Taiji. This is where we learn about structure and grounding, redirection of force, reading the intent of our partner and the importance of being neutral.
It can be used as a tool to learn about the fighting area of Taiji, mainly teaching you about grappling skills, but also striking. Those more interested in the solo forms also gain a lot from this practice by enhancing their Taiji and Qigong forms. Applying outside pressure on your body improves understanding of your own structure and movement as well as enables learning about directing your own and the other person's energy.
Chi Sau (Sticky Hands)
It is a practice very similar to push hands, though rarer. Here we learn listening skills through softness, learning to feel your partner’s movement before it happens, always using the path of least resistance. We do this in push hands as well, but in chi sau the focus is on striking more so than grappling.
As a pair
In the end, these two training methods start to overlap, some schools don't distinguish the two, calling everything push hands, but in the WTBA we have clear training methods for each, to ensure the student is learning everything they need without overwhelming them. Advanced practitioners don't practice one or the other, they become one.
Cost of the workshop if registered by August 1st.
One Day €60 (Active Members €50)
Both Days €100 (Active Members €90)
Cost of the workshop if registered after August 1st.
One Day €80 (Active Members €70)
Both Days €120 (Active Members €110)
Students in full time education receive a 30% discount.
Contact to register:
Maja Derlink
00386 40 573 752
WTBA representative for Slovenia